Shirley made this banner for the Catholic Church in Wilbur. The cross is laser cut, I found it online at . Not sure why some of the pictures look fuzzy, maybe I should share my glasses - they looked great on the teeny-tiny camera screen.
Who says we don't have wild weather in the Pacific Northwest? Kayla and I caught this on our way home from the Inland Northwest Machine Quilter's Meeting in Spokane this afternoon. I've never seen anything like it!
Here's the scoop: I don't directly market to you. I won't e-mail you, and I don't share your information, frankly, I don't even know if I get any info on you other than a general area where you (or your ISP) may be. I will answer your e-mails to me - because you initiate it, and it's the polite thing to do. Now...this is the net. Anything you see, do, or show can and is being tracked. You most likely will be marketed to, based on your searches and what you like.
It's not me. It's them.
Good luck with keeping anything private on the internet. Shelley