So....did you watch the video?
Here's why I wanted you to see it: Fabric is printed straight! It can't be printed crooked or the printing wouldn't line up. There would be places that are overprinted or underprinted. I've seen it - my mom used to buy seconds for me to make doll clothes or my clothes when I was learning how to sew.
Why is this important? Here's this month's video! Yes, I know, I'm wearing thread. It's not unusual, but good grief!! By the time I saw it, I had already recorded the video three times. It wasn't happening again. You want Hollywood, this isn't it... Feel free to share - I was so happy when I figured this out! There are some really nice panels out there, I'm thrilled that I can finally use them!
And don't go getting all excited, I won't be making a new video every month. It's all I can do to come up with things that someone else hasn't already done. Although, there will be another video next month.
I spent December and January freezing my tush off. I avoided the cold studio by getting all the farm and business taxes done, and the income tax return information is all ready, I'm just waiting for a few more statements and I'm DONE! I finally braved the weather and went back to the studio last week. I started making samples for my upcoming teaching jobs and updating both of my longarm quilter focused books, taking a lot of pictures. Calving has begun and will continue for a couple of more months. I should probably get some pictures of those babies, too.
I plan to be at Experience Quilts in Odessa on Thursday, February 2 around 10am. One of the new tricks I've developed for the update to my Binding by Longarm book is the ability to attach bindings to the backs of quilts. Don't like hand stitching on the back? This might be the option you want. I've been playing around with Susie's Magic Binding. Here's my Back To Work Edge-to-Edge Special for February! Grab one of those unquilted UFOs you've got sitting around (we all do!) , and two colors of fabric for the bindings. I'll make the binding and attach them to the back of the quilt for the same price as just attaching the binding to the quilt. When you get it back, you'll be able to machine stitch to the top and your UnFinished Object will be a Done Finished Object!
Happy Quilting!
Four Patch Quilt in a Day! Plus Quilting with Stencils
11 months ago