Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mary's Primrose Lane

Mary started working on this in late November.  Imagine my surprise when she brought it to me mid February for quilting!!  She said it was just too fun, that she was able to finish it in no time!  Mary happened to be downstairs, working on a charity quilt, when this went on the machine.  I put eight different threads on the quilt, and nothing seemed to work. So I called her to come make the decision. On her way up the stairs, she said, "So,  'poopie green' isn't going to work?"  I hadn't thought of that.  This quilt had blues, and whites, and pinks.  Some green.  Not much....??  So I grabbed the spool.  Want to guess what she chose - and I'm glad she did!!  Quilter's Dream Puff batting, Poopie Green (King Tut 610) thread on top and Bottom Line in the bobbin.  The panto is Cutie Patootie!



Kim S said...

Cute quilt with fabulous quilting!

Diane said...

Love it! I must get me some of that poopie green thread....:)
Even if I don't use it I like saying it!!!(wink)

sam said...

Perfect !!